If you consider to have a dog, you should think about how much time you are willing to spend together with your new pal. You have to take him or her on daily walks and you have to make some houserules and train the dog so he/she will follow them.
A lot depends of the breed you choose, the different breeds have different needs and temper, and they need different ways of leadership. Learn as much as you can about "your breed" before you buy a puppy.
Always think about what activities you will do with your dog, before you decide the breed.
About us
We live at the island Sotra west of Bergen in western Norway together with my three youngest children and our three shelties Ziko, Prins and Nemi.
We bought our first sheltie in december 2008
The time we spend together outside in the woods, in the mountains and at shows is all great pleasure and joy. I am also pleased to say that my fitness has improved considerably with the dogs. They have open up a new door right into my heart and I truly love to be with them.
This year we will improve the ringtraining and even practise agility.
I love to show the dogs in the ring and perhaps some day we will participate at Crufts or The World Dog Show..
We bought our first Sheltie, Ziko in December 2008 and have totally falled in love with this breed. In December 2009 our second Sheltie, beautiful Prins came to us and in august 2011 our first foundation bitch Nemi moved in with us.

Read more about the breed at www.nssk.noand

Our gold is to breed healthy, happy and beautiful Shelties !
A big thanks to Kennel Minnlett that made it possible for us to have Ziko and Prins in our family. And a big thanks to Kennel Crofts who gave us beautiful Nemi !